It’s Time For… The App of the Week! – Stream the 2012 Summer Olympics LIVE!

This week, keeping with our Olympic theme… You can download a live-streaming app for more than 3,500 hours of content, and a companion app loaded with additional content launched today. The apps are now available for the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch via Apple’s App Store, and select Android handset and tablet devices within Google Play. (For Apple users, the apps seems a bit hard to find in iTunes. Get them here and here).

The NBC Olympics Live Extra app features the streaming of all 32 athletic competitions and the awarding of all 302 medals, while the NBC Olympics app provides content like interviews, news stories, highlight videos and live results, according to a joint press release from NBC and Adobe.

What? Team U.S.A. Will Be Wearing Uniforms Made In China?

(Ralph Lauren/AP Photo)

According to ABC News’ Sharyn Alfonsi:

They are the pride of America – Team U.S.A. – and for the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in London, they’ll be proudly wearing red, white and blue, from beret to blazer.

The classic American style – shown in an image – was crafted by designer Ralph Lauren. But just how American is it?

When ABC News looked at the labels, it found “made in China.”

Every item in the uniforms that the U.S. athletes will be wearing at the opening ceremony in London will carry an overseas label.

Our Thoughts on ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Movie

Over the Fourth of July holiday last week Sage and I both managed to go out and see the newest (until it’s rebooted in another 5 years) ‘Spiderman’ Movie!

Sage, (Who still hasn’t seen a single Star Wars movie) liked it, saying “It holds true to the comic books” while I had my reservations, feeling it was much too “Tweeny”.  The film’s pacing just wasn’t right in my opinion, taking way too long to get to the point.  A fully costumed, ready-for-action Spiderman doesn’t even show up until an hour or so into it, leaving us a lot of time for the brooding Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) to be bullied, Bing a bit, fight with his Aunt and Uncle and yes he even finds time to skateboard into Gwen Stacy’s life (played by Emma Stone).

Was it a bad movie?  No… The special effects keep it exciting and current, and The Lizard (Rhys Ifans) is actually pretty scary!

The bottom line?  Sage liked it… While I just thought it was so-so BRING ON ‘Batman: The Dark Knight Rises’!

At Over 4 Million Views, The ‘Super Moonwalk’ Is Now An Internet Sensation

A Californian street performer has wowed online viewers with an extreme take on Michael Jackson‘s famous moonwalk dance move.  Eric Nash is seen traveling backwards at great speed down a Santa Monica street has attracted millions of views on Youtube.

Lady GaGa Launches ‘Little Monsters’ Social Network

Little Monsters soft-launched as an invite-only beta earlier this year but yesterday (July 10) opened its doors to the wider public.  The network is the first community powered by software from startup Backplane who pledge to “unite people around interests, affinities and movements in unprecedented ways”.

Users can sign up to the site using Facebook or Twitter accounts and then share content through an interface similar to that of Pinterest. There is a community-powered content scoring system similar to Reddit, as well as a more traditional threaded discussion forum. Fans are also able to look at upcoming events and purchase concert tickets.

Speaking to Mashable, Backplane’s CEO and co-founder Matt Michelsen explained: “We wanted to create an experience where language barriers were no longer barriers and where GaGa can communicate with fans in different countries and languages.”

Listen To ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ (Hans Zimmer) Soundtrack! – Yep The WHOLE Thing!

As part of Empire Magazine’s countdown to the release of The Dark Knight Rises, they have a very special treat for you today.  You can listen to the film’s Hans Zimmer soundtrack in its entirety, giving you a taste of the atmosphere and action you’re in for come July 20. And they have even closely parsed the track titles and none of them reads “Death Of Qui-Gon” so we’re pretty sure that this is free of overt spoilers.


Monday, July 9th = “Internet Doomsday”?

(PRWeb) On Monday, July 9th, the FBI will pull the plug on internet access to hundreds of thousands of computers infected with a malware Trojan known as DNSChanger.

Facebook and Google are sending notices to users that browse to their sites from a DNSChanger-infected computer. However, even if you haven’t been notified of an infection you shouldn’t breathe a sigh of relief and consider yourself in the free and clear.

When the FBI disables the temporary servers it will break infected system’s access to the internet but it will not remove the malware from those systems. Take a few minutes to ensure that you’re not kicked offline on July 9th.

Do YOU Know The Answer?

Do you know why does hot water freeze faster than cold water?

(Fox News) – It’s a question that has perplexed scientists for centuries and now the Royal Society of Chemistry is offering £1000 to whoever can come up with the best explanation for what is referred to as the The Mpemba Effect.

Judges will be looking for an outside-the-box submission that is creative and eye-catching.

The deadline for submissions is July 30.

Submissions should be made through The answers will be reviewed by a panel of scientists and their decision will be final.

Leave us your comment on why you think hot water freezes faster than cold water……